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According to Most Reverend Philip Anyolo, Bishop of the Homa Bay Diocese in Kenya, “It is estimated that six million children will die this year from malnutrition before their fifth birthday. Many of these infants will pass away quietly in the most remote areas, far removed from the scrutiny and conscience of the international community. Due to the extreme urgency of these and other pressing needs, a request from every parish in America is inevitable...”





African MissionariesParish Missions

After losing more than a quarter of a million dollars trading high-risk commodities, Robert Abel found himself emotionally devastated. At the advice of his pastor, he went on retreat at St. Malo Center near Estes Park, Colorado. After checking into his room, he laced up his hiking boots and climbed the tallest mountain peak available to have it out with the Almighty.

After praying for several hours and hearing nothing except the sound of the soft mountain breeze, Robert returned to his retreat room broken and crushed. Lying on the floor crying, he surrendered his life to the Lord. From the depths of his heart he made a promise saying, “I will do whatever you want from here on out.” As soon as Robert came to a place of complete surrender, God gave him his first ministry assignment.

Since that time, Robert has been living an exciting adventure with the Lord. Through his real-life experiences, Robert is able to share his love and passion for God. He speaks on a number of subjects including his adventures in Africa, his work with the homeless, and a variety of other compelling topics.






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